Evegreen & Spectalite create advanced, eco-friendly products for a sustainable future. Through relentless research & development, our products are pushing the limits of bio-degradable polymers – at high quality, amazing performance and truly low costs. We are young start up, established in 2018. Our mission is to replace plastics with biodegradable plastic like materials.

Company name EVEGREEN, EVA ŠTRASER s.p.
Sector Bio Economy - Circular Economy - Green Economy -
Address Šaleška cesta 2a, 3320 Velenje, Slovenia
Country Republic of Slovenia
Phone 0038631668209
What it asks
1. Looking for companies, specialized in thermoforming or injection molding process that would like to be more sustainable
2. Interested to be involved as an industrial partner in EU projects
3. Looking for hydroponic or gardening partners ( Evegreen biodegradable eco pot project)
What it offers
We can offer you a supply of raw biobased or biodegradable material - used for injection moulding process.
We can offer you an industrial scale of your project ( from idea to production)