ECNP scarl – European Center for Nanostructured Polimers
The “European Centre for Nanostructured Polymers” (ECNP) major aim is the coordination and the joint carrying out of activities and operations, principally for the sake and in the interests of the partners of the European Network of Excellence “NANOFUN-POLY” as well as for itself, aimed at the following objectives:
- Promotion of excellence in the technological development in Europe, in the priority sectors of the European Research Area (ERA), particularly with regard to polymer nanotechnologies;
- Coordination with other ERA participants, within and outside of the European Network of Excellence “NANOFUN-POLY”;
- Increase the excellence of members of the NANOFUN-POLY Network through contributions to research, development and innovation in ERA.
The integration of the partners of the ECNP is achieved through the following main actions:
- Annual definition of the common research roadmap
- Organisation of a permanent virtual lab and ruling the common use of research infrastructures
- Definition and operation of integrated education and training programmes
The principal activities of the ECNP are:
- Carry out research and development activities in the field of Nanostructured Composites and Polymeric materials;
- Promote the organisation and management of training activities and professional updating in the same sector, in order to reach a high level of education both for its partners as well as for third parties interested in the areas of nanostructured polymers and composites;
- Promote and develop activities connected to the technological transfer of products and processes relating to the industrial sector;
- Knowledge management in the specific area of polymer nanotechnology.

Company name ECNP scarl – European Center for Nanostructured Polimers
Sector Bio Economy - Green Chemistry - Other: Polymers and Composites
Address Strada di Pentima 6; 05100 Terni, Italy
Country Italy
Phone +39 0744 492939
What it asks
Partners for research projects
What it offers
Research services