Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment-CluBE
The Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE) is a non-profit legal entity established among local actors and stakeholders of the Region of Western Macedonia, Greece. In February 2014, the cluster has been actually established as a legal form by 21 initial members from the Public sector, R&D and Entrepreneurship, covering the entire triple helix of the regional bioenergy and environment sector.

Company name Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment-CluBE
Sector Agrofood - Bio Economy - Circular Economy - Green Economy - Waste Management -
Address ZEP Area, Kozani 50100, Western Macedonia,Greece
Country Region of Western Macedonia – Greece
Phone 0030 24610 53986 - 53993 - 56625
What it asks
• Seek for partnerships and collaborations in the framework of developing and implementing projects and activities pertaining to enhancement of Circular Economy, Bio Economy and Sustainability with aim to find solutions linked with environmental affairs.
What it offers
• Develop R&D and business activities in the fields of bioenergy and environment, in order to reinforce smart, bio, green and circular economy, namely through:
- Energetic exploitation of biomass for household and industrial use and especially for district heating systems for small, medium or large cities
- Increasing the share of biofuels and bio hydrogen in the energy mix of transportation fuels
- Co-firing with lignite in existing power stations and/or future heating plants
- Optimization of heating systems
- Improvement of energy efficiency for households, public and private buildings
• Participate in research projects’ preparation & implementation phase